a testimonial for Dr. Gillard's coaching

I rarely write testimonials…far too lazy you see…. 
But this one has to be written because EVERYONE needs to know about this service.


What am I talking about? Well Doug’s Tutorial of course.


Whether you are a pain riddled patient, a student or a qualified Chiropractor his pitch is fantastic; 
Concise, thorough, informative, descriptive, educational and a bit witty Doug puts you at ease instantly and ensures that you understand what you are looking at. He relates it to the symptoms and goes the extra mile to suggest ways forward with tests and surgical suggestions that really give constructive options to the way forward. 


From a Chiropractors viewpoint this is invaluable continual professional development. One on one that you never get in the classroom;  you can ask questions, he shows you how to use this amazing free software and you can have it recorded so that the whole session can be replayed and revised at your hearts content.


If you have ever been frustrated with the MRI before you and university was a fair few years ago, this is your man. Through the internet you can both discuss the images, it is truly awesome. I’m still trying to persuade him to lecture in the UK.

As for any patient out there take it from me you can’t get a better resume than Palmer College of Chiropractic, named after our founder DD Palmer it is the Oxford University of the UK. As he is the Coordinator of Radiology and professor of clinical science this guy knows his onions.

Without a shadow of a doubt this will be the best money you will ever spend to understand your MRI….Thanks Doug…I wasn’t expecting to enjoy it so much….


Dr Sally Hobbs  Dr of Chiropractic BSc (Hons)