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A Trusted Place for Answers about Your Back & Leg Pain
Last Updated: 9/18/24

A Trusted Place for Answers about Your Back Pain

A Trusted Place for Answers

the testimonial page

I have decided to add a testimonial page to my website so that others can learn how satisfied my clients have been with my Coaching Service.

The following testimonials are from real clients who have not been paid or compensated in any way for writing these letters and e-mails. They were just very happy with my coaching service.

Feel free to read through the 60+ testimonials below or read through of some of these special testimonials:



Testimonial #1 (Australia, Mr. Olympia - professional bodybuilder, May, 2012)

Testimonial #2 (July, 2012)

Testimonial #3 (Jan, 2013)

Testimonial #4 (June, 2013)

Testimonial #5 (March, 2014)

Testimonial #6 (April, 2014)

Testimonial #7 (Canada, April & July, 2014 - Happy Surgical Outcome)

Testimonial #8 (May, 2014)

Testimonial #9 (Israel, May, 2014)

Testimonial #10 (May, 2014)

Testimonial #11 (May, 2014)

Testimonial #12 (Retired Army Nurse Corps Officer, June, 2014)

Testimonial #13 (Doctor of Chiropractic, June, 2014)

Testimonial #14 (Australia, Electrician, July, 2014)

Testimonial #15 (Italy, July, 2014)

Testimonial #16 (Cervical Spine, July, 2014)

Testimonial #17 (Aviation Inspector, July, 2014)

Testimonial #18 (England, July, 2014)

Testimonial #19 (Associate Professor of Physics {PhD}, August, 2014)

Testimonial #20 (South Carolina, Mom's testimonial for Child, August, 2014)

Testimonial #21 (Orthopedic Physical Therapist {MS}, August, 2014)

Testimonial #22 (Sweden, Software Engineer, August, 2014)

Testimonial #23 (Midwest, Veterinarian, August, 2014)

Testimonial #24 (Langley, England, August, 2014)

Testimonial #25 (London, England, August, 2014)

Testimonial #26 (Florida, September, 2014)

Testimonial #27 (East, Financial Service Industry, October, 2014)

Testimonial #28 (North East, England, November, 2014)

Testimonial #29 (Texas, November, 2014)

Testimonial #30 (California, November, 2014)

Testimonial #31 (Ukraine, November, 2014)

Testimonial #32 (Michigan, Management Consultant, December, 2014)

Testimonial #33 (Nebraska, Associate Professor, January, 2015)

Testimonial #34 (January, 2015)

Testimonial #35 (March, 2015)

Testimonial #36 (Pastor, March, 2015)

Testimonial #37 (Texas, April, 2015)

Testimonial #38 (Pennsylvania, Paramedic, March, 2015)

Testimonial #39 (Boston, Electrical Engineer, May, 2015)

Testimonial #40 (Swindon, England, Chiropractic Physician, July, 2015)

Testimonial #41 (Alabama, Retired Engineer, August, 2015)

Testimonial #42 (Melbourne, Australia, Web Design, August, 2015)

Testimonial #43 (Suffolk, England, Managing Director of a Finance Company, September, 2015)

Testimonial #44 (California, Grateful Mother, September, 2015)

Testimonial #45 (Italy, Engineer, December, 2015)

Testimonial #46 (Washington, DC, Engineer, January, 2016)

Testimonial #47 (California, Broadcaster (lumbar) and his Wife (cervical), March, 2016)

Testimonial #48 (California, Business Owner, March 2016)

Testimonial #49 (East Coast, USA, Investment Professional, July, 2016)

Testimonial #50 (Southeast, USA, Physician, MD, PhD, July, 2016)

Testimonial #51 (Kansas, USA, Emergency Room Physician, MD, November, 2016)

Testimonial #52 (Mississippi, USA, University Professor / Professional Musician, November, 2016)

Testimonial #53 (Michigan, USA, Professor / School of Pharmacy Chair, FSU, March, 2017)

Testimonial #54 (California, USA, Information Technology Department Director, June, 2017)

Testimonial #55 (Thailand, QA/QC supervisor, September, 2017)

Testimonial #56 (Arkansaw, FEDERAL JUDGE, October, 2017)

Testimonial #57 (Tennessee, Insurance Claims Adjuster, April, 2018)

Testimonial #58 (Arizona, Water Quality Manager, April, 2018)

Testimonial #59 (Virginia, Retired Nurse, August, 2018)

Testimonial #60 (England, retired nurse, October, 2018)

Testimonial #61 (California, Orthopedic Knee Surgeon, February, 2020)

Testimonial #62 (East Coast, Navy Captain Pilot (retired), March, 2020)

Okay, I think that's enough:-) You get the point! Therefore, I'm no longer accepting testimonial for this page as of March 2020.
