ALWAYS START YOU WORK-OUT WITH THIS STRETCH. Simply get in the above position and GENTLY pull your knee to your chest and hold for a count of 20 to 30 seconds. Then slowly lower the leg and repeat the other side. Do each leg 3 times. Do NOT force it to the point it causes any significant low back pain or leg pain – you've done too much if you get pain. It's also easy to stretch the Piriformis Muscle in the 'up' position (grey leg). All you do is move your left heal toward the right knee (rotates the knee and hip) while you keep your knee in about the same place. DO NOT do this (piri stretch) if you have bad knees!For our final stomach exercise, lets combine the above two exercises. Tighten the tummy and SLOWLY (like a Kung Fu master) lift the left arm and right leg SIMULTANEOUSLY. Bring them up to the mid-way point (12 O'clock), where you could actually touch your army need together. Hold for 5 to 15 seconds, and return them to their original positions. Repeat other side. 1 to 3 Sets of 5 to 20 repetitions with each leg is enough.
Start with your left leg fully extended (straight). Tighten your tummy and slowly SKIM your left heal towards your buttock, then lift the leg and curl it towards your chest. Reverse the direction and return the leg, slowly, to original position. Repeat other with other leg. Three sets of 5 to 20 repetitions with each leg should be sufficient.Start in the neutral position (back and head flat on the floor with the knees bent to 90 degrees). Lift or curl your upper torso off the ground just enough to get your should blades off the ground. DO NOT GO ANY FARTHER! Your lower back should always be in contact with the ground. Three sets of 5 to 20 will be enough.
Simply mount the Gym Ball as shown in the above position (except gray arm). You may want to make this more advanced by NOT using your knees (above). The narrower you put your feet the harder it is. Once you have your balance, simply raise your right arm and hold it parallel with the ground for 5 to 20 seconds. Slowly lower it and repeat on the other arm. Three sets of 5 to 15 repetitions with each arm should do. Simply mount the Gym Ball as shown in the above position (except white leg). Slowly lift your left leg upward, straightening it as you go, until it's about parallel with the ground. Hold at the top for 5 to 20 seconds. Slowly lower it and repeat with the other leg. Three sets of 5 to 15 repetitions with each arm should do.
Mount the Gym Ball in the Ready-Position (white arm & gray leg). Simultaneously lift and extend the right arm and the left leg and hold for 5 to 20 seconds. Slowly lower the limbs back to the Ready Position and repeat other limb pair (left arm and right leg). Three sets of 5 to 15 is enough. To make this tougher you can use ankle and arm weights. Remember to keep your head UP (as shown above). Mount the Gym Ball in the Modified-Ready-Position (knees not touching floor - gray head & trunk). Slowly lift your chest off the ball and extend your head. Hold at the top for 5 to 20 seconds. Slowly lower and repeat. 3 sets of 5 to 15 repetitions will be plenty. IF YOU HAVE A BAD NECK, then fold your arms on top of your chest instead of behind the neck. To add difficulty, narrow your base (bring your feet closer together).