Headline News:
9/24/24: Laser Discectomy vs. Traditional Open Discectomy for Disc herniation?
I've reviewed the famous Brouwer et al paper (the first published randomized controlled trial on Laser discectomy) and was shocked to learn that 44% of the Laser Discectomy patients needed a reoperation within 1 year after their non-insurance covered Laser Discectomy! No wonder why insurance companies do not pay for this surgery!
Check out my review here:
Current Spine Research Page
3/19/24: Spine Research Page/Blog Has Been Updated:
McKenzie Method/Exercises Failed to Help Patients with Disc Herniation-Associated Sciatica. In Fact, 7% of Them Were Hurt. Check it out!
Current Spine Research Page
9/28/23: Spine Research Page/Blog Has Been Updated:
I did some updating of the "current spine research page." Check it out!
Current Spine Research Page
My Graduate School-Level Teaching Career Continues
September 2022: Well that didn't take too long! Within a couple months after applying for new teaching job, I've already been hired by another Bay Area Graduate School College as a Professor of Anatomy & Physiology. This time, I'm making more money and doing less work :-) This should give me more time to focus on my spine research. :-) Going to miss the little blues band that we had just formed at Palmer. I guess I'll just have to start another one! Good luck to my professor friends at Palmer – I really hope you find something as quickly and enjoyable as I did :-)
Palmer West Is Closing! Now What?
In April 2022, we learned that Palmer College of Chiropractic–West was closing down for good. This news was a Bombshell, for that school has stood for over 40 years! I really thought I would finish my teaching career with them, but that's not going to happen. So the $64,000 question is what's next for the ChiroGeek? Find another teaching job? Do YouTube and consultations full-time? Open a small chronic pain clinic? Do relicensing seminars? Only time will tell :-)
Dr. Gillard was Just Appointed the Coordinator of Basic Sciences
I was just (Summer 2020 quarter) appointed by Palmer as the first-ever Coordinator of Basic Sciences. Job duties will include working with the Deans and Curricular Management Committee to fine-tune our Basic Science Department.
Dr. Gillard Was Just Appointed Again to the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners Test Writing Committee, for a Second Time.
I was originally appointed to this prestigious committee in 2019 and then appointed for a second time this year (2021) .
Dr. Gillard Was Just Promoted to Full Professor of Clinical Science
After teaching full-time at Palmer College of Chiropractic for five years, I was promoted to full Professor of Clinical Science in July, 2019
I am currently (9-26-20) teaching the following classes: Spinal Anatomy (Lecture and Lab); Cardiovascular Pulmonary Pathology (Lecture and Lab); Gastrointestinal and Urogenital Pathology (Lecture and Lab); Endocrinology II, and Dermatology.
Back by popular demand, I have republished the old research page which many of you have requested over the last year. On these 40 pages, I review some classic papers of the last three decades, studies that you have to know, if you want to call yourself a spine expert.
And don't forget, I have a Current Research Blog (in draft form), which can be viewed at this link: Current Research Blog.
Dr. Gillard Gets Published again in the well-respected Spine Journal: The Journal of Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery (June, 2018).
Dr. Gillard Gets Published Again
In a first of its kind study, Dr. Gillard successfully wrote and published the results of a fascinating neurosurgical study carried out by Dr. Burak Ozgur, Chief of Neurosurgery for One Brain [&] Spine Center, Irvine, California.
This cadaveric study demonstrated that traditional cage-packing techniques did not adequately fill the space between the vertebral endplate and the cage during lateral lumbar interbody fusion (XLIF).
This potential problem (which could lead to failed fusion) could be overcome by using a novel bone graft delivery system.
You can read the entire paper at this link: Infill Technology Improves Cage Filling
Dr. Gillard Becomes a Published Lead Author in an International Medical Journal
Dr. Gillard Becomes a Published Lead Author
Pinned: Dr. Gillard, who was the lead author on this one (designed it, wrote it, and got it published), gets another paper accepted for publication in a top-notch, international medical journal named International Orthopaedics.... [read more]
Dr. Gillard Gets Published in One of the Leading Spine Journals in the World: the Journal Spine!
Dr. Gillard Gets Published in Spine
Dr. Gillard successfully publishes the surgical results for Donald Corenman, a prominent orthopedic spine surgeon with the Steadman Philippon Research Institute.
The results of this study suggests that BMP-2-augmented interbody fusion, via the TLIF technique, significantly improves function, pain scores, and quality of life, in patients suffering chronic discogenic back pain.
You can read the entire paper at this link: rhBMP-augmented TLIF for chronic discogenic pain.
Please visit my Research Blog for more important spine-related paper reviews.
Learn All about Back & Leg Pain from an evidence-based prespective
Consult with Dr. Gillard
If you would like to speak with me about your chronic spine pain and/or failed spine surgery, I would be happy to consult with you through an on-line Zoom consultation that I offer the general public. You can learn more about this service at this link: Consult with Dr. Gillard.
What do my former clients, which include Judges, Attorneys, Medical Doctors, Physical Therapists and Chiropractors have say about my consultation service? Jump over to my testimonial page to find out: The Testimonial Page.
Mission Statement
The purpose of this evidence-based website, which has been written in an easy-to-understand language, is to educate the public, healthcare profession student, and healthcare professional about the common causes of chronic back and leg pain, as well as the available evidence-based treatment options for those conditions.
The impetus for the building of ChiroGeek.com came after I suffered a failed microdiscectomy in 2003 which dramatically changed my life. Knowing what I know now, I would have never allowed myself to have that surgery.
The only good thing that came out of the failed surgery was that it turned me into a super research nerd-- I truly believe there's no one on the planet more up-to-date with spinal research than me.
It is my hope that by studying these pages, you will become educated about your spine condition to the point that you will know what key questions to ask your spine surgeon during that short visit. Making an informed decision, based on the current medical literature database is one of the keys to having a successful spine surgery!
Warning: It is absolutely mandatory to read my disclaimer before entering and reading this website. Never act on any of the information gleaned from these pages without first discussing it with your primary health care provider.The information on this website is for educational purposes only.
My Philosophy
On this website, I will only put forth information that is based on science and is supported by the current medical research literature database. Furthermore, the supporting evidence for these pages comes from, if possible, only high-impact, peer-reviewed spine journals and/or metaanalyses.
What Are My Qualifications for Writing This Webpage?
I have treated/coached/consulted tens of thousands of patients over the last 38 years and have seen just about every possible spine condition that is out there.
I was previously the Spine Research Coordinator for the very prestigious Steadman Philippon Research Institute and the Director of Spine Research for its spine surgeon, Dr. Donald Corenman, MD, Orthopedic Spine Surgeon. As a result of this journey, I have been published in some very high-impact spine journals, including the Journal SPINE (the #1 Spine Journal in the World). Check out the paper at this link: Corenman [&] Gillard: TLIF for Chronic Discogenic Pain
I previously worked for another famous spine surgeon, Dr. Burak Ozgur, MD, Neural Spine Surgeon, where I was published once again: (Read the Publication)
For the last ten years, in addition to consulting chronic pain sufferers from all over the world, I have worked as a Professor of Clinical Science and Basic Science in two graduate school programs here in the bay area. I was also the Coordinator of Radiology for one of them for some time. In addition to teaching almost a dozen different classes in the Basic Science and Clinical Science field, for four years I also taught Advanced Lumbar Differential Diagnosis which covered all of the potential causes of spine pain.
Last but not least, I am one of you, for I suffer chronic back and leg pain from a botched microdiscectomy in 2003. I truly know the horrors of living with chronic pain and with permanent functional limitations. No matter how compassionate a healthcare provider is, they just can't understand the horror of living with chronic pain and loss of function, unless that provider has personally experienced it.
Published Spine Researcher
Coordinator of Basic Science – Palmer West
Former Coordinator of Radiology – Palmer West
Email Contact
Dr. Gillard's email:chirogeek@chirogeek.com
Headline News
McKenzie Exercises No Better Than 90 Minute Educational Session for Sciatica!
McKenzie Method/Exercises Failed to Help Patients with Disc Herniation-Associated Sciatica. In Fact, 7% of Them Were Hurt.
Check it out!
Current Spine Research PageDr. Gillard Becomes a Lead Author
Pinned: Dr. Gillard, who was the Lead Author on this one (designed it, wrote it, and got it published), gets another paper accepted for publication in a peer-reviewed, top-notch, international medical journal named International Orthopaedics. You may read the paper at this link: Gillard-Does Prior Spine Surgery Decrease the Chance of Successful Interbody Fusion?
Dr. Gillard Has Been Appointed as the Coordinator of Basic Sciences!
In the summer of 2020, I was appointed by Palmer Chiropractic College-West as the first-ever Coordinator of Basic Sciences. Main job duty is to work with the Deans and Curriculum Management Committee to Find-Tune Our Basic Science Department.
Dr. Gillard Has Been Appointed for a Second Time to the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners Test Rating Committee.
I was originally appointed to this prestigious committee in 2019 and then reappointed for for a second time year 2020. Main job duties include reviewing NBCE previous test questions and writing new test questions. I am greatly honored to be on this committee!
Dr. Gillard Has Been Promoted to Full Professor of Clinical Science
In summer of 2019, I was promoted to the highest academic position that Palmer has to offer: full Professor of clinical science.
I currently teach the following classes: Spinal Anatomy (Lecture and Wet Lab); Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Pathology (Lecture and Lab); Gastrointestinal and Urogenital Pathology (Lecture and Lab); Endocrinology; and Dermatology.Dr. Gillard is Published Again in Another Well Respected Spine Journal
in June 2018, a paper I designed and wrote was published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery. The Study Was Based on the Work of Respected Spine Surgeon Dr. Burak Ozgur, MD and involved assessing a in situ cage packing technique for Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion. You can review the paper at this link: Ozgur [&] Gillard XLIF Paper
The Ultimate Victory: Dr. Gillard Gets Published in the Journal SPINE.
Every spine researcher's dream is to get an article published in the Journal SPINE, which is the top spine journals in the world. This dream has come true, for the paper I designed and wrote has been accepted for publication! It was based on clinical outcomes of Dr. Donald Corenman's Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion (TLIF) surgical technique. You can read the abstract at this link: Corenman [&] Gillard TLIF Paper
.Radiologists Perform Really Poorly!
I've been saying for years how terrible many radiologists are at picking out common pain-causing disorders of the lumbar spine from MRI images, but now I have some evidence based proof that this is true.
The bottom line was absolutely embarrassing to the radiology world: they were just terrible at properly identifying and describing three very common causes of back and leg pain, which included disc herniation, spinal stenosis, and spondylolisthesis! [Read More]
Discography Damages the Disc!
As I have predicted for years, based on the sheep studies from the 1990s, this award-winning study has demonstrated that a the needle-stick-injury to the disc, which occurs during discography, significantly increases the chances of future herniation, degenerative disc disease, Modic change, and discopathy, as compared to discs that are not stuck with a needle.